13:01:33 #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 13:01:33 Meeting started Thu Jan 4 13:01:33 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:01:33 The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 13:01:40 #topic AI review 13:01:47 - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] 13:01:54 still on my list... 13:02:10 I don't have more recorded - anything missing? 13:02:20 5 13:02:22 4 13:02:23 3 13:02:25 I think that's all. 13:02:25 2 13:02:27 1 13:02:29 #topic Kernel maintenance updates 13:02:47 This week reported 4 new CVEs and 2 updated CVEs. 13:02:52 I did reviews, 6.1.70 and 71. 13:02:56 reviewing 6.1.70 13:03:13 masami: I see you now track 4.4-st. Nice, thanks! 13:03:34 pavel: your welcome :) 13:04:57 anything else? 13:05:47 no corrupted filesystems or broken wifi so far in this year? ;) 13:06:12 5 13:06:14 4 13:06:15 3 13:06:16 Just broken hw, but saving that for "aob" section :-) 13:06:20 2 13:06:22 1 13:06:23 raid1 in 4.4 fixed last year, but only released this year; does that count? 13:06:39 all good :) 13:06:43 then let's move on 13:06:48 #topic Kernel release status 13:07:13 nobuhiro's script should go here 13:07:28 4.4 13:07:36 basically we are ok. Continue? :-) 13:07:52 i guess. :) cip83 is out 13:08:39 yeah, I think I only saw no update to 5.10-rt yesterday 13:08:57 so, 4.4, 4.19, 6.1 - all recently updated 13:09:07 5.10 vanilla as well 13:09:20 I believe 5.10-rt is due next month? 13:10:09 end of this month 13:10:12 ok 13:10:26 no problems ahead as well, I assume 13:10:31 then moving on... 13:10:39 3 13:10:40 2 13:10:42 1 13:10:44 #topic Kernel testing 13:10:58 Hello 13:11:34 I've spent a bit of time looking into some of the SW update use cases in LAVA, but other then that I've mainly been on holiday feasting 13:12:21 there were a lot of discussions on the related issue, indeed 13:13:45 On the positive side, all of the labs stayed online throughout the holiday period 13:14:09 that's kind of them 13:14:25 other testing topics? 13:14:29 You may want to check 6.6-stable results 13:14:50 https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-testing/linux-stable-rc-ci/-/pipelines/1125990082 13:15:03 de0nanosoc always fails. 13:15:15 iirc it is not a fluke. 13:15:16 Thanks pave1, will do 13:15:22 (y) 13:16:49 is that board in our lab? 13:17:38 You have one 13:17:49 Other two are in the denx lab 13:18:06 so the issue is not lab-specific, rather board-related 13:19:21 More than likely, but we'll have to investigate 13:19:27 looks like the siemens config passes 13:19:28 ok 13:19:46 then move on...? 13:19:52 5 13:19:53 4 13:19:55 3 13:19:57 2 13:19:59 1 13:20:01 #topic AOB 13:20:11 Ok, so buggy hardware. 13:20:26 jkl: Yes, it's multi_v7_defconfig that's failing 13:20:43 So maybe a kernel configuration issue 13:21:00 After the kernel patch discussion about the Renesas R-V board, I don't believe we should make that official "cip board". 13:21:24 OTOH the kernel patches seem quite reasonable. 13:21:46 I see no problem taking them. 13:21:54 But the problems in userland really seem bad. 13:22:24 we have up to option 3 in Chris' list at least (userland from other sources, just for basic testing) 13:22:27 The emulation approach that jkl suggested could work, but would be a lot of work to get running 13:22:44 yes, I'm afraid of that as well 13:23:04 I don't know if it's a route RISC-V is planning in general or not 13:23:12 but you still wanted to check if the rebuild impact could be limited to certain packages 13:23:40 Yes, prabhakarlad is looking into that 13:23:42 no, this is no general risc-v topic, it remains specific to your IP 13:24:17 that is the reason why there will be no general userland solution 13:24:50 One small chance would be... 13:25:17 ...if it was discovered that starting at 0x50000 is a bad idea because it is not on 2MB (or whatever) boundary 13:25:31 and it impacts performance in general due to increased TLB pressure. 13:25:56 ...that should have been discovered earlier, no? 13:26:32 Dunno. putting code this low seems strange. 13:26:57 Or maybe that putting code this low is bad for security because bigger guard area is needed. 13:27:51 well, the binutils patch was reject upstream already IIRC 13:28:16 Send them a chocolate or something :-). 13:28:23 Ha 13:29:30 Dunno. 0x50000 is in the middle of PMD, so it seems like wrong start address. Putting code at start of PUD could be a tiny bit better for TLBs and thus performance. 13:29:44 If it is, that could convince someone. And chocolate, I guess :-). 13:30:07 jki: yep binutils patch was rejected. Palmer suggested to handle it in the toolchain. 13:30:34 And can it be handled in the toolchain? 13:30:41 what does "handle it in the toolchain" mean? 13:32:12 https://paste.debian.net/1303035/ 13:32:32 let me find the complete link. 13:33:27 "and we might want that as a tunable for 13:33:27 distros anyway (for huge page alignment, for example)." 13:33:37 that's what pavel is talking about 13:33:50 Yep :-). 13:33:57 you need to follow up on that - before the gates are closing for trixie! 13:36:19 So for now, is CIP okay to take the kernel support as-is? 13:36:49 On the assumption that "official" reference platform acceptance is only if a working solution is found for userspace 13:36:50 Kernel patches look reasonable. 13:36:54 because even if we had that tunable, it still takes Debian (or any other distro) to tune that as needed, for whole riscv64 13:39:50 anything else? 13:40:09 So... 13:40:22 Is the plan to just apply the kernel patches even when we don't have the userspace? 13:40:57 provided renesas looks after testing, it should be a way forward 13:41:18 but they also need to push harder on a userspace solution IMHO 13:41:29 Ok, sounds good. So I expect another series, not marked "RFC" when testing is sorted out. 13:42:03 I'll add some support for simple boot testing to start with, using a Poky image 13:42:54 And test the RFC with it 13:43:02 If it works we'll submit a v1 13:44:06 Could we also get some qemu risc-v testing? 13:44:19 Right now I don't see one. 13:44:31 https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-testing/linux-stable-rc-ci/-/pipelines/1125990380 13:45:13 Yes this is needed 13:45:27 Thank you! 13:45:48 we should soon have isar-cip-core generating riscv images more reliably again 13:45:54 if that helps as well 13:46:03 yep 13:47:05 ok, I can plug something together based on my pending isar patches 13:47:18 more topics for today? 13:47:41 4 13:47:42 3 13:47:44 2 13:47:46 1 13:47:48 #endmeeting