13:01:38 #startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting 13:01:38 Meeting started Thu Jan 18 13:01:38 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:38 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:01:38 The meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting' 13:01:40 hello 13:01:44 #topic AI review 13:01:51 - prepare blog entry on SLTS kernel state and challenges [Jan] 13:01:54 hi! 13:02:00 still a todo for me... 13:02:21 didn't record other items last week so... 13:02:27 5 13:02:29 4 13:02:30 3 13:02:32 2 13:02:34 1 13:02:37 #topic Kernel maintenance updates 13:02:53 i'm reviewing 6.1.74 13:03:05 Reviewing 6.1.72..74. 13:03:12 I reviewed 6.1.70 and 71. 13:03:18 This week reported 10 new CVEs and 1 updated CVEs. 13:04:32 anything else? 13:04:45 5 13:04:47 4 13:04:48 3 13:04:49 2 13:04:51 1 13:04:52 #topic Kernel release status 13:04:56 Quiet week, due to merge window timing. Fun starts now :-) 13:05:55 waiting for the script output :)... 13:06:21 We don't need no scripts. 13:06:23 :-) 13:06:32 5.10-rt due in a weak, 6.1 in two. 13:06:33 Sorry, I'm not in an environment where I can put script results right now. 13:07:01 ok - any delays or todos regarding releases? 13:07:03 all ontrack without 5.10.y-cip 13:07:12 4.4 is on track as well 13:07:28 I am working release 5.10.y-cip. 13:07:55 ok, fine 13:08:08 moving on 13:08:10 5 13:08:11 4 13:08:13 3 13:08:14 2 13:08:15 1 13:08:18 #topic Kernel testing 13:08:22 Hello 13:08:31 I added stable-6.7 RC testing 13:08:51 Greg just pushed 6.7.1-rc1 which is building now: https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-testing/linux-stable-rc-ci/-/pipelines/1142893413 13:09:21 I've also been looking into swupdate lava testing with Sai from Toshiba 13:09:46 And as of about 20 mins we now have an RZ/Five board in the LAVA lab 13:09:54 Test pipeline running: https://gitlab.com/cip-project/cip-kernel/linux-cip/-/pipelines/1142975670 13:10:08 cool 13:10:10 The above is based on Prabhakar's series submitted to cip-dev 13:10:27 And it'll use the Renesas BSP rootfs 13:10:46 sietze has been looking into the squad/reporting topics we discussed last week 13:10:46 Good. Could we get risc-v qemu and rz/five to test on 6.7, too? 13:11:15 Will add qemu testing when we get cip-core sorted (i think that's still pending) 13:11:28 And yes I can add RZ/Five to stable 13:11:37 Thank you! 13:11:50 currently testing KernelCI core API, they have some issues with login. working on solving that 13:12:01 (we already _build_ for riscv qemu for stable) 13:12:13 Thank you arisut 13:12:43 Also, I sent a very basic test "report" in response to the latest CIP kernel release. Was it okay? 13:12:43 cip-core should build fine for testing purposes 13:12:57 jkl: Thanks I'll take a look 13:12:58 except for swupdate on qemu-riscv64 13:15:05 anything else? 13:15:29 RZ/Five test with CIP 3.1 just passed: https://lava.ciplatform.org/scheduler/job/1078143 13:15:32 (boot test) 13:15:39 CIP 6.1 13:15:52 regarding the test report: any feedback from the maintainers on that? 13:15:58 and thanks for assembling it! 13:16:28 I'd like simple "EVERYTHING IS GREAT!" in all caps, 13:16:33 but this is good, too :-). 13:16:36 Ha 13:16:58 not everything will ever be great ;) 13:17:52 good 13:17:59 move on? 13:18:03 yep 13:18:06 5 13:18:07 4 13:18:08 3 13:18:09 2 13:18:11 1 13:18:13 #topic AOB 13:18:32 I'll be travelling next week. 13:18:41 I'm off next week, too 13:18:51 who can take over? 13:19:17 I can takeover. 13:19:39 thanks! 13:19:41 I should be here 13:20:02 more other topics? 13:20:20 5 13:20:22 4 13:20:23 3 13:20:25 2 13:20:26 1 13:20:28 #endmeeting