15:10:01 #startmeeting OpenFlow Plugin meeting Oct 27, 2016 15:10:01 Meeting started Thu Oct 27 15:10:01 2016 UTC. The chair is abhijitkumbhare. Information about MeetBot at http://ci.openstack.org/meetbot.html. 15:10:01 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:10:01 The meeting name has been set to 'openflow_plugin_meeting_oct_27__2016' 15:10:08 #topic Agenda 15:10:19 #info Blocker Bugs 15:10:48 #info M1 status and candidate release plan 15:13:11 #info Bulk-o-matics exercise 15:13:29 #info Documentation inputs 15:13:54 #info Update tracking Boron 15:14:16 #info Any other business 15:14:30 #topic Blocker bugs 15:15:08 #info With stats turned off - normal provisioning of flows is broken 15:15:32 #info Bug 7043 needs to be updated to blocker 15:15:37 #lnik https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7043 15:16:13 #link https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7043 15:16:58 #info The fix is there and has been pushed to stable/boron but cannot be merged 15:18:11 #action abhijitkumbhare shuva to let anipbu know that bug 7043 is a blocker and was identified today to be in Boron SR1 15:18:23 Sure :D 15:19:02 #topic M1 status and candidate release plan 15:20:22 #info Will use bugzilla bugs - will clean some of them - and create the candidate release plan 15:20:52 #topic Bulk-o-matics exercise 15:23:10 #info Tomas gets around 14% increase in performance when directly using OpenFlow Plugin models serialized to bytes - however not sure about the testing 15:23:24 #link https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_OpenFlow_Plugin:Bulk-o-matic_enhancements 15:27:37 #topic Documentation inputs 15:28:08 #info Currently parallel documentation for both Helium and Lithium designs 15:33:18 #info Remove the Helium documentation from the adocs - and keep only the Helium design documentation on links/pages marked as archived on the wiki 15:34:44 #action shuva GauravBhagwani to look into the documentation structure as RSTs and come up with a plan to either reside the docs as RST in OFP code repository or keep in docs repo 15:35:28 #topic Update tracking Boron 15:36:27 #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zImtd764e-hOgJAxoJKl85fxHCPu2agLfqsBtf13zQY/edit#gid=1058465710 15:38:20 #info Failed test case 15:38:23 #link https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/releng/job/openflowplugin-csit-1node-cbench-performance-only-boron/809/robot/ 15:38:41 #info This issue is fine 15:38:46 #undo 15:38:46 Removing item from minutes: 15:39:41 #info This is a known issue - not a blocker 15:39:54 Could someone sign off on the spreadsheet as either OKAY or BLOCKING for the cbench issues? 15:40:31 I just updated it anipbu 15:40:40 thanks! 15:41:20 anipbu: we have a new blocker - with a fix 15:41:49 Yes, I've updated the spreadsheet to reflect the new blocker bug in OpenFlowPlugin 15:43:34 reconciliation failing for FRM on He-plugin 15:43:37 #topic Cluster wide singleton issues with FRM 15:45:02 #info MD-SAL framework takes time for identifying ownership breaking the reconciliation 15:46:38 #link https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7044 MD-SAL bug 15:47:19 #info GauravBhagwani has a fix for OpenFlow Plugin which work arounds or adds robustness to the reconciliation 15:47:42 #link https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/47656/ 15:48:32 #info GauravBhagwani and ManoharSL will send an email regarding this issue Friday Oct 28 - for a review/discussion 15:55:39 #action GauravBhagwani to add vishnoianil and jbacigal as the required reviewers for https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/47656/ to fix https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7044 15:59:27 #endmeeting